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Machiavellian said:
EricHiggin said:

Well he said she was off the hook, and then on the hook again, and then off the hook, even though it seemed clear she should have been on the hook. What's the problem with this? If he realized he made a mistake and knew how to fix it going forward, then why didn't he make it clear to Trump that at the immediate present, he wasn't under investigation, but since the investigation was ongoing, he obviously couldn't know if Trump would end up involved. Odds are he knew this might anger Trump and get him fired, I'd assume, so he just told Trump he wasn't being investigated. Which is why Trump wouldn't be able to understand why Comey wouldn't let the public know. Comey made it clear this is how it went down, and had no problem telling the public through the media that Trump could become a suspect, but didn't tell Trump. He's the President. Comey's job is to inform the President as clearly as humanly possible, and at the highest level, since he was the head of the FBI. 

No leaks? What about recently with Manafort and Cohen?

As I explained earlier, when every Dem and lefty and the majority of the media are after you and are willing to spin everything you do or say to try and make a fool of you, what tends to happen is those 'victims' tend to lie, since they are, or would be, lied about anyway. Maybe the left and the media should try to be honest for a while, and see if anything changes, because it just might. You don't know if you don't try. Why bother though right? Trump and his people are liars, because they just are. Everyone knows it just because. Trump = Hitler. It's basic math...

As for leaks from the Manafort or Cohen trials, you show me any evidence where anything came from Mueller team.No, I am sorry but that is just another excuse.  It would be different if Trump behaved differently before becoming president.  It would be different if he had a career of being honest but that is not the case even from his own mouth. Trump lying has been his MO for decades.  There are piles or cases where the man shows at every turn he cannot tell the truth no matter what the occasion is. You really should stop trying to find a defense for the man's constant lying it really do not help your case. 

You should really listen to yourself.  It's everyone else fault for Trump lying.  Everyone seems to be at fault when something goes wrong but Trump.  

No Trump is not a liar just because.  This is where I believe your problem comes from.  Trump is a liar because its been proven countless times that he lies.  I never compared Trump to Hitler, I compare him to your average con man.  He tells you want you want to hear.  He will make up whatever story that satisfy what you believe or think and he will take you to school when you blink.  Trump probably only wish he could be even close to Hitler.  The man is not anywhere close to being in that league of villains.

Still, if you are investigating or could investigate your boss, why would you need to make anything public until after the investigation.  Trump was already out of line for asking for this since he is suppose to separate himself from the investigation.  In other words he was trying to influence public opinion before any results were found.  The same way that he continue to do today.  Instead of letting things run their course he wants to continue to put himself within it.  Its his constant butting in that probably has fueled things to where they are today.  With the lies and butting in, he continue to throw more logs on the fire keeping things hot but knowing you, it's everyone else fault.

As for Manafort and Cohen trial, why don't you show me any leaks that came from Mueller team.

Plenty of reasons that sure make it look like there have been plenty of leaks from Muellers team, whether the leaks went straight to the media or through another source. No hard evidence really at this point in time though, but you don't name your sources when those sources are helping your agenda behind the scenes. Considering his team has gone out of their way to push back court dates, and try to weasel their way out of hearings because they are so honest and can't be bothered by outside matters, since the investigation is so much more important. Sounds quite familiar, like Trump saying he's innocent and doesn't want to be bothered by outside matters like the media and left, constantly bashing him for something that has nothing to do with him specifically, and that it's also holding back his political agenda which is much more important.

The unbiased media however, goes out of their way to bash Trump because it's quite clear that he's guilty, yet makes it seem like Mueller and his people were appointed by the Lord our God to speak nothing but the truth, untouchable by evil. More than a few people have already been booted off Muellers team since it's inception for abusing their power. Talking about track records...

How about the media? How squeaky clean have their stories been over the decades? I'd bet they lie just as much if not more than Trump does. That doesn't matter though because the media said Trump was bad and a liar, and their the truth tellers, so no point in looking into their own character. They aren't the President either, so what power do they really have, and why care about them right? It's not like people go to them to find out who's ahead in the political polls, how much wine a day is the healthiest, and weather or not it's going to rain.

I also am having a hard time differentiating between what is fact and what is excuses. For some reason it seems like the only thing I can come up with are excuses, and the only thing you can come up with is fact. I would have thought by now at least one thing I've mentioned was more than just personal bias, and at least one thing you've mentioned wouldn't be solid fact...