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Based on what I've played, I agree that Lost Legacy, Last of Us, and Life is Strange focus more so on the female point of view and have a touch of feminism in them, but it's quite tasteful and not what I would call radical by any means. In terms of HZD, the only 'feminist' plot point you could point to is the fact that it's a woman that's portrayed as the good 'guy' and the bad guys are certain males. Otherwise she's just an intelligent curious rebel who breaks the rules, but rules that hold back everyone in the tribe equally.

To me, the reason these are seen as feminist games, is because typically in the past, you would expect only strong main male characters. Sure, Tomb Raider is an exception, but clearly there is a push to get more strong female characters into the limelight, in all media, and so that change is seen to be connected with the more radical feminist movements in everyday life. I would agree that no doubt it's part of the reason, but that doesn't automatically make those games themselves feminist per se.

Last of Us 2 will be interesting to see how it actually turns out. It looks like it could actually go full out feminist, but even if they want to, I get the feeling they will play their cards extremely carefully with all the controversy around the topic right now. I don't see them pulling a Nike, but we'll see.