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Nice that a casting call that is done just for the sake of virtue signalling other SJWs actually shows who the real racists are.  These people only see color.  Not different ethnic/cultural backgrounds.  So all whites are just white to them, which mean they are to be excluded.  All blacks are just that, black.  And so on and so forth for other POC.  The fact that they actually have an acronym for a call for anyone who's not white, says it all.  They don't care about the character or the acting ability, they are just looking for any token actor to push forward and show how "progressive" they are.

Personally, I've always wanted someone to say that they were making a Jeffersons movie, but as a joke/experiment release a trailer with an all white cast.  Watch the hypocrites have a true meltdown.

FentonCrackshell said:
shikamaru317 said:

That's the biggest load of bull I think I've read yet. This "either you're ok with it or you're a racist mentality" is utter nonsense.

I can only speak for myself, but I am perfectly fine with minority characters in media as long as they fit and don't feel forced. Just as a for instance, I'm looking forward to watching Iron Fist season 2 tonight, and my favorite character on that show is Colleen Wing, an Asian. Changing the established race of a main character in a series is most definitely forced though. This is way worse than when they made Hermione black for the Harry Potter play, in that case I don't think Hermione was ever specifically mentioned to be white in the books, but Ciri's skin color is mentioned in 2 different Witcher books. 

I agree that they shouldn’t change her and hope they reverse this decision. But when the line “Why can’t they just add some minority background characters?” is uttered I’m lead to believe you’d prefer to see the minorities in the background. And I wasn’t aiming my response at you per sé. It’s just that whenever a character is shifted (especially to black) there’s some huge dust up about it. For instance, Starfire is black in the Titans film and people harassed the actress so much that she had to disable her social media. On the other hand, pretty boy blonde Aquaman has shifted to a scruffy, tattooed, and bearded Samoan and there’s nary a peep. 


Look, I don’t want Jason Mamoa to receive backlash for being casted but that’s generally how it works. Black shifts are met with more angst/anger. But back to the topic. It’s dumb to change Ciri. And I hope they don’t because it’ll lead to the series losing fans for no reason which could lead to its failure. But from what I can tell you is that we’re very much used to seeing white casts in media and for the longest time we just watched and enjoyed it. Now they’re adding more minorities and some folks feel threatened by it. 

The thing with your example is that they are not on the same level.  For one, you aren't going to find many people who are that passionate about Aquaman, or DCEU for that matter.  Second, Jason Mamoa does look like Aquaman's redesign where he had one hand, albeit with two hands and Samoan.   And third, there didn't really seem like an agenda behind the casting choice.  I bet it was as simple as them seeing him with long hair and a beard in another film and thought he looked like the newer Aquaman. I could be wrong about the last point, but I don't really remember them pushing it like it was a big deal for "progress."

Starfire, on the other hand, has a passionate following recently thanks to the Teen Titans cartoons.  She looks nothing like her comic book counterpart, which has added insult in the fact that she actually looks like a low dollar prostitute.  Finally, her being black wouldn't really have gotten too much hate if she had lighter skin and was painted/costumed to look like the comics.  The reason it go so much hate was not only does she look nothing like her, but because it just screams forced diversity and, most importantly, the overall project looks like hot garbage.