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Machiavellian said:

This is what I am talking about, excuses.  Its not that Trump doesn't get a pass for anything, its because of his hubris, inexperience and incompetence that he doesn't get away with anything.  Was it not Trump who went on national TV and stated he fired Comey over his investigation of him. Really, is it that hard to admit when someone makes a mistake and have them own up to it.  If the man would stop lying and making up his own facts or exaggerate everything he says just maybe it would not appear like everything he does is wrong.  Stop excusing this man for his behavior and then finding the scapegoat Dems as a means to push his what he does on them. 

Let's take an example, the Trump Tower meeting.  Before anything came out about that meeting, who was it that said they had absolutely no contact with anyone from Russia.  When it was learned that they did, who was it that said the meeting was about Adoption, who wrote the Trump Jr explanation about the meeting in the first place.  When it was learned that it was not about adoption, who lied about knowing about the meeting period.  You tell me, why should anyone ever take Trump for his word when he will continue to lie until proven lying and then lie again.  Another case in point would be the Story Daniels affair.  Who called her names and said she was lying until proof came out it was him lying.  Even when proof came out that Trump was lying about the affair and paying hush money for it, he continues to lie that he had any knowledge of the hush money even after a tape of Cohen and him talking about the Hush money.

For some reason, you are going to tell me that anyone should give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything he says because of what?????

There are many billionaires out there that try and succeed at multiple different ventures because they do their homework.  They research the market, do not overspend and know how to run a business.  Again with the excuses.  I am suppose to be impressed that he risk his money and failed a bunch of times and this is suppose to make me confident in his ability to run the government and handle financial situations.  Anyone can just throw money at a venture and fail a bunch of times.  Also 6 bankruptcies in his own business does not give you a lot of confidence in his ability to manage.  Who in their right mind what someone who takes more risk and fail when it comes to your own money and well being.

At BOLDED:  You only have to look at all the failed business Trump has to answer your question including the 6 bankruptcies in his own ventures in real estate.  Nowhere do you see where Trump is the type of person who excels at doing multiple different ventures.  If anything the only thing Trump is good at is his own self promotion.  Looking at Trump history, I personally cannot find anything that shows he as the ability to take any business that is troubled and turn it around.  What I see from his history is that when trouble starts, he bails.  If he cannot bail he fill for bankruptcy.  Maybe you can find something that shows us your point here. 

On your last paragraph, each person you mentioned has gone through adversity with their companies and come out on top.  Can you show me an instance where Trump has gone through with any one of his ventures and come out on top or did he bail on them all.  The difference between the other people you mentioned and Trump is that they were able to turn things around and make their business a success.  

I agree with you that the government does not have to run the same way it has for centuries, I am wondering what make you believe Trump is making a change.  What has he done that move the needle to something different.  In order to change something, the person making the change must have in depth knowledge of the current system in order to innovate to something better.  I would first like to know where you believe Trump shows he has in depth knowledge of the current system first in order to move the needle to something new or different.

You only know what Trump may know, based on what your told by media sources, and you don't know what they themselves know and understand either. Trump stated while he thought the Russia prob was bogus, he was fine with it happening, he was just pissed off that the entire media was telling America that Trump was at the heart of it which had to no truth to it. When he asked Comey to officially let it be known Trump wasn't part of it, he refused, even though he was clearly fine with covering and clearing things up for others in the past. This and the fact he leaked so much 'info' after the fact to that same media, just proves Trump was right about Comey clearly being against Trump, and how can Trump trust the FBI if he knows the man in charge is against him? Trump is the President remember. Comey's excuse that he couldn't say it because if it was ever found that Trump was part of it, he would have to backtrack, is ridiculous, because that means he can't ever announce anything since the FBI doesn't know every single little detail about everything, so what if?

Your saying because someone in Trumps circle had a meeting with a Russian, that means Trump had contact with them? How indirect do things have to be before they no longer count as contact? Trumps people quickly come clean and explain the Russian lied about Hillary evidence and offer up the emails immediately, and you see that as hiding and lying? Well since he's married with children, I'd assume he doesn't want his wife and family to find out, especially if he's paid her off already, who knows. Since the media would turn this into the biggest sex scandal the universe has ever seen, even if it was the most boring meaningless one ever, I can see why he would lie.

Same reason the left were totally against Obama having to show his birth certificate. It was such an easy thing to crush and make go away, yet dragged on forever. Assuming anybody is legit because someone else checked them out and vetted them is naive. Who checks the fact checkers? Was Obama innocent of this 'crime'? Sure looked like it. Is Trump innocent of the Russia 'crime'? Sure looks like it.

I asked for the negatives, not the positives. Only bringing up the positives makes it seem as if the likelihood that the negatives outweighing the positives is the case, and so Trump failing at those new ventures would be the norm. Who's to say it was Trumps fault directly? Maybe some of the people in those organizations screwed up big time and cost Trump. You can't expect him or anyone else to always pick all the right people. Which also brings up the fact there are clearly some people in the administration that are doing a great job of making him think they are there for the people, when really they are there to get 'dirt' on Trump and leak it to the media to bring him down.

I never said these people can do absolutely everything and never ever fail. If your point is Trump always fails at business, then why does that mean he automatically fails at politics? Like I said before, maybe his strong suit isn't actually business. That's a little bit hard to believe considering how well America's economy is doing right now, but maybe that's what a crappy businessman get's you. Imagine if he was actually 'good' at business. Who's to say Trump wanted to turn things around? Maybe he was just trying something new for the hell of it since he's uber rich, and decided to cut his losses and move onto something else. That's a smart brand move. A little negativity and you drop it. Just look at the people getting fired lately. They cause a potential problem for the brand, doesn't matter how, what, or when, and they are dropped immediately. Anything to keep the main brand strong.

Steve Jobs was completely booted out of Apple early on, his own company, yet came back and made cell phones instead and now their practically untouchable. I wouldn't exactly say Elon Musk is on top, but he's a fighter and on his way. Trump failed multiple times yet sprung right back, and didn't bail on them all because clearly he still has his main business and is still a billionaire. Trump was also told by the worldwide masses he had zero chance of becoming the President, and was (and still is) constantly dodging political wrecking balls like the world has never seen, and sure enough, he's the President. 

Trade and taxes for one. Heavily taxing American companies and allowing goods to come in cheap, while those highly taxed American products, are hit again when entering other countries makes no sense. Trump fixed that, but maybe went a little too far with corporate tax breaks, but it's much better than it was, and new businesses and jobs in America are quickly growing. How about Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court position? Nobody saw that coming because everyone thought Trump would go with a righty and why not? The left couldn't ask for a better scenario at this point in time, and yet as per usual, they are bashing both Trump and Kavanaugh. The recent hearings were brutal to watch, what a joke.