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Machiavellian said:

Yes, Trump put himself in this current situation.  Just think back to why we even have Mueller doing  this investigation.  If you remember when Comey was fired, there was a letter of endorsement from Session and Rosenstein supporting the firing and they had the excuse for it all wrapped up in a nice bow tie.  Who was the idiot who decided to go on national TV and then admit he fired Comey off script because of the Russian investigation.  Really, how dumb do you have to be to give a gift like that to all his detractors.  In his urgency to want to take credit for firing Comey, he played himself and here we are now.  If the idiot kept his mouth shut, the whole thing would have gone away without even a whimper.  Comey did not have no where near the resources to go any further in the investigation and definite had the avenue like Mueller.

Trump has had 6 bankruptcies.  No matter how you slice it 6 is a large number.  Maybe 2 if you are a high risk person but 6 means you did not learn anything from the others and kept doing the same dumb crap over and over again looking for a different result.   Here is a link for you to see all the failed businesses in his career.  One thing that shines from this list is that Trump loves to start something but never commits long enough to make anything a success.  Once things get even a little bit south he packs up and drops out.  Just the type of person you want running the government.  High risk taker with no balls to make something work or the smarts.

The problem with having a bunch of yes men is that no one will tell him when he does not stupid.  They will not advise him when he is ignorant of a subject or does not understand the context of the situation and he does something stupid.  In other words, if all you want to do is not listen to anyone and do what you want without having any other views they he can just fire everyone else and hire aids to do his bidding.  Its what dictators do because their voice is the only one that needs to be heard.

For your last paragraph, I am not sure what that is suppose to mean.  Can someone without any experience help out with one or two issues in something they have no experience in probably so, can that person do all the the things that is required for that job without experience probably no.  Just because you are able to fix a problem doesn't make you a farmer but I am sure your input was appreciated.  What I am sure is that as a farmer, I would not hire you to run my business.  So yes, can Trump do some things with the experience he has yes, can he run the country with the experience he has, I would say no.  

What I am saying about Trump is not that he doesn't have any political knowledge, I am saying that he has not interest in understanding how to do his job.  He reveals in his ignorance and he always goes unprepared.  He doesn't take the job serious enough and he isn't willing to learn.  Why would anyone who hasn't even govern anything on any level just throw someone in the top political office and expect wonderful results.  Oh he is a billionaire so he should be good at being President, is that the logic.  You look at the dollar figure but not the 

The reason Mueller is doing it now is because Trump does not get a pass for anything. If Trump turns his head to the left and sneezes the Dems scream impeach him. When everything you do is wrong, or doesn't seem wrong initially but has to be because your always wrong, then it must be investigated because well, your wrong, and annoying, and evil, etc. Mueller has been investigating Russia for how long now, and how much hard, reliable, evidence has surfaced about how Trump is surely tied to it, and how often does the media still bring it up regardless? I'm sure they would have just let it go back then, because why not right?

So Trump tried his hand at a bunch of different, totally unrelated business opportunities and failed at them? That's not be be expected? It's normal for people to be able to know and do anything they please? Where are the lists of everything everyone has tried and failed at, especially the 1%? Where is the list of things Trumps done right and succeeded at? Oh ya, I forgot, everything he does is wrong and he always fails, that's why he's still a billionaire and the President of a now booming economy. Maybe he's actually an even better politician than a businessman, and has been in the wrong game this entire time.

Based on the split in America right now, it seems pretty clear most are either with him or against him in the political sphere. Based on the info coming through the Gov itself, it's no different when it comes to the administration. If you can't find reasonable people to work with you, and every time you try to be as fair as possible and cater to the left and Dems, they go against you and bash you anyway, what other choice do you have? Pushing Trump into a corner of yes men is just as much the lefts fault as it is Trumps.

You aren't that far off my point. While a very small minority, there are some people who are good at many things, even if it's not their position, or can jump into something with little knowledge and learn quickly and adapt. These people also tend to be able to shake things up with new idea's because they think outside the box. Who says Trump isn't one of these people? I've worked with many other electricians during my career, and none of them could do everything, not even close, even the vets. On top of that, they only did things fully correct maybe 50% of the time, and the rest of was done good enough to work, but nowhere near the proper way and quality a specialized electrician would. Does this mean nobody should ever be hired for anything, or does everybody have to be completely specialized at just a few tasks? Do we need multiple Presidents? How many?

Why didn't Elon Musk just get a job with GM or Ford, etc? Why didn't Jeff Bezos just get a job with Walmart? Why didn't Steve Jobs just use a physical keypad? We all know how things  worked and there was no real reason to have anyone change them, especially so quickly, so why are these people so famous, respected, and doing so well? Minus Steve, RIP. Just because the Gov has been run a certain way for decades, doesn't mean it should stay exactly that way. Change is certainly necessary with everything, but in today's tech driven world, that change seems to come much too fast sometimes for people.