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NSW is doing great, but it's also extraordinary how good PS4 is.

PS4 is a 80m sold console against a Nintendo system that is almost new and that has released (or will release soon) almost all of the big Nintendo franchises: Mario, Zelda, MK, Mario Party, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Smash, Splatoon. Some of them are ports, yes, but ports from a console (Wii U) that nobody bought.

Nintendo is coming from Wii U disgraceful years. Many people out there haven't bought a Nintendo console since Wii days and now they have this truly impressive portable console with all Nintendo evergreens (again Mario, Zelda, MK, Mario Party, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Smash, Splatoon, etc). All of this versus PS4 that is at this point almost ubiquitous among console owners and that has already released many of its great franchises a few years ago.

Even though we could say that PS4 is still in its peak season, it's a console that had a fast start (unlike PS3). From 2018 on, it's quite challenging for Sony to keep PS4 as industry leader in sales with this current price, against a new successful Nintendo console with all of its exclusives available in that quite short span.

In any case, September is coming and it's unlikely that NSW will keep the top 1 due to Spider-man and others, but as PS4 gets close to 100m, it'll be no surprise to see NSW wining more and more weeks. Even though, Nintendo soon will be in a unpleasant situation: after they release all of their evergreen games (it will have happened in 2019), what else do they have to compete against PS5?

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?