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Now THIS is how to do a modern action film.

Saw it last night. Overall, as far as the action elements go, this is as good as it's ever been; I can't think of a better high-level action film. Very visceral, intense... And this is why the spy-action genre will always be better than superhero and Star Wars films; the spy action films (especially since the Bournes) look more realistic and far more intense, not a bunch of unnatural cartoony CG-balloons that even motion capture hasn't seemed to save (Well, a few exceptions, notably Logan had some good action bits, and even Deadpool did some good stuff despite being purposely cartoony).

The major goof I noticed was the huge club and the almost empty washroom =D
Unless it wasn't alcohol they were doing.

MI3 is still the best one overall, there still has not been a film in the genre that has gone that dark or intense. I want to say MI1 is the best from an artistic standpoint, but they all are quite good - MI1 did a lot of homages to Alfred Hitchcock in its shots; I appreciate that. Purely from within the action film genre, the sequences of MI6 make it a contender as the best action film currently in existence. The 3D effects during the chopper stuff at the end were really well done.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 01 August 2018

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.