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I don't care who's in charge at Lucasfilm anymore, I have no desire to see any future SW film, TV series or spinoff. It should be put to rest, just like they did to everything that people loved about the originals. Killed off Han Solo right off the bat (could've at least waited until the 2nd film, but noooooo), turned Luke into the polar opposite of his character in the OT, went all in on the whole feminist / SJW messaging in the films to the point where the star character of your new trilogy is a Mary Sue with zero arc and character development.

Yeah, I'm pretty much done with this franchise. All Disney wants to do with it these days is to sit on their island of cash and milk the property for all its worth (hence the Rogue One / Solo / Obi-Wan / Boba Fett standalone films.. thank God we aren't getting those two would-be abominations). Sorry, not getting any more of my hard earned cash.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.