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I don't see why Epic can't make it so that whatever platform you linked the account to in the first place becomes your primary micro-transaction account. Meaning if you linked it to PS4 initially, you have to buy everything for Fortnite through PS, but the secondary account and its primary contents are allowed to be used on other platforms. I don't see why PS would have a problem with that, unless Epic didn't or doesn't want to have/add that feature for whatever reason. I'm sure people would still complain that they couldn't easily buy something immediately on the spot on whatever platform they were using at the time, but it wouldn't seem near as anti consumer as this seems.

I also like the XB tweets about how they are so nice and so friendly to Nin and how they want to be friends with everyone in terms of online multiplayer and sharing. Didn't they just make a huge announcement that they acquired and locked down 4 different third party studio's that will force you to buy MS related hardware or software to play those games? If that's not sharing I don't know what is...