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Aeolus451 said:
potato_hamster said:

But as I've already told you, Anonymity also allows for the highest degree of dishonesty. That is also self evident. They can pretend to have any opinion, thoughts, feelings, say whatever they want, act in whatever way they want, and face literally no consequences for it. It can be completely dishonest to express an opinion you actually don't have to hurt someone else, and it also means that mobs can form and actions can be made more extreme because of anonymity. Look at 4Chan. Look at trolling in general. Look at how many anonymous threats internet users get. This happens because these users are anonymous and because there will be no consequences for their actions. Sure anonymity allows for absolute honesty, but it also allows for absolute toxicity. It's very much a double edged sword.

Just take this site here. Imagine every user had to use their real name on their user accounts. Just imagine how many less moderations would be made in the run of a day But since we do use user names, you're already anonymous, therefore whether you know the usernames of those who like posts is completely irrelevant. It's not like a user liking a post automatically means that they agree with the opinions expressed within that post anyways, so why does it matter to you if the usernames are displayed with the likes?

Someone being mean on the net is not dishonest. Alot of the behaviour you're describing isn't dishonest either. The intention behind trolling isn't dishonest but how someone goes about it can be honest or dishonest. Sure, anonymity brings out some of worst sides of people but it allows for the greatest range of topics to be discussed including the taboo. It's a completely worthwhile double-edged sword to have especially with all the activists out there trying to go after people's jobs or ruin others' lives over shit posts. 

So people can like whatever they want on this forum without any kind of repercussion. Why do you want to know who likes something? It's just an anonymous like system. It's not we're talking about allowing people to be shitty to others on here and getting away with it.

So people saying things they do not believe to hurt someone, or performing hurtful actions they would never perform just to hurt someone isn't dishonest? It sounds to me that you need to go back and look up what the word "dishonesty" means.

I personally don't care about the like system in any way, but acting like adding an extra layer of anonymity to an already totally anonymous message board is completely necessary to ensure more honesty is just patently ridiculous.