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TalonMan said:

I know there have been mixed views on the new "likes" implementation - in fact, based on the recent poll that @monocle_layton ran, the site is almost split in half on the topic, which is pretty incredible.

At this point, it's fair to say the "likes" are going to stay - so the next question is, what else do we want to do with it? I can tell you straight up, there will absolutely not be a "dislike" button added - it's just not happening. I will be adding notifications for them when I get some time to do so, so that the author receives alerts to any new "likes", and I already added functionality that allows users to "unlike" any post that they may have "liked" inadvertently.

So the next borderline question, is whether or not to display the list of users that "like" a post or not (and that's what this poll will be about). I'm of a mixed mind on the issue and can see both the positive (and negative)i, and that's why I figured it might be best to leave it to the community to decide whether we do it or not. I will say that if the consensus is to, in fact, display the list of users, I am going to erase the current stats and allow for everyone to start over (with the advanced knowledge that their "likes" will become public).


The fact you said there will absolutely NOT be a dislike button added is worthy of a like, which I just gave you

A dislike button as I said before is a coward way for someone to express themselves, if someone does not like what you say let them explain why in a reply rather than hide in the shadows. You already have this problem on the "news" section of VGC at the left side on the home page. There people can like and dislike and it can sometimes be annoying as too many dislikes literally bury your post (which is even worse) and you don't know who disliked or even why...

As for the like button, displaying the list of likers or notify you when one of your posts has been liked makes total sense and would be totally logical. If you like a post, you want the poster to KNOW that you like his/her post, obviously. That way we don't have to "waste" a post just to say "I agree with you" if we don't have anything else to add to the debate. So yeah, I'm totally for a non anonymous like implementation.