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In my experience with online forums and social media platforms, people are more motivated to comment negatively than positively on what you say and, when you're someone who struggles with clinical depression and has unpopular opinions, that can become something of a demoralizing turn-off over time. That's why I think a Like button is a good idea: by making it structurally easier for people to voice approval of a given thought, you compensate a little for the default negativity of actual comments on your post. Adding a "Dislike" button, as some have suggested, would undermine that and then some. Someone like me would be overwhelmingly ratioed every time and become very discouraged very fast. (I just know how I think.) People would all the more start tailoring their contributions to avoid being ratioed. Let's not do that. Let's not make it easier to hate on people.

Don't get me wrong: I see flaws in the idea of having a Like button as well. It's easy to see what sort of posts get Likes. You just say something generically approving of a game or publisher like, and I'm being only mildly sarcastic here, "Video games rule!", and that will maximize the number of Likes your comment gets. Other types of comments are less likely to be appreciated, so maybe people are already tailoring their contributions accordingly to some degree, to be popular. But you know, everything is a trade-off at the end of the day. Nothing is perfect.

To address the actual question of the OP, the same principle applies, I think. On the one hand, if you don't list the people who Like a comment, you maximize the amount of Likes it will stand to get. On the other hand though, if you do include such a list, people may, over time, be more easily able to find friends. I know that I've found myself looking for names before. :P I think the latter is more important.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 20 April 2018