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TalonMan said:
potato_hamster said:


With all due respect, it still affects how conversations will be had on this site. It should be pretty obvious to everyone that users will use the like system to justify which opinion is considered the "correct one". I don't think it's a step in the right direction.

I also would like to thank you for being so open to feedback. Keep up the good work.

Well, maybe...   ...that depends on the user, really. If a user chooses to justify their opinion based on anonymous "likes" that have no weight or meaning, then whatever point they're trying to make, is obviously flimsy at best.

The fact that "dislikes" are not available, should immediately invalidate the argument that "my opinion is correct because of the number of 'likes' I've received", anyway. Since users aren't being given the option to "NOT like" a post, there is no way you can possibly make any argument with only half the equation. And that is precisely why it was done this way...

I think you overestimate the mindset of many of the users of this site. Time will tell I suppose. I hope you're right on this one.