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Okay so I watched Children of the Whales and Net-Juu no Susume.

So for Children of the Whales by the title it seems like it would be less violent than say an anime like Sword Gai. But you would be completely wrong, Children of the Whales has quite a bit more brutality and even much better action scenes than Sword Gai. It was suprisingly good an gives me such a hard JRPG/ FFXII vibe. Kinda noobish at first, surrounded by sand and then the empire comes and destroys everything. The MC even gets a movable ship with a new item after beating the boss haha. The children killing the pink hair dude was great, only for him to live. Quite disappointing. I really like the BA characters and the worldbuilding. The OP was okay, but first skippable OP in awhile. The ED was pretty good.

Net-Juu no Susume a completely different anime in tone. This show was quite funny at times, and also cutesy with its romance. I don't really like how fate works in shows like these. I mean for real 3 times? Still very satisfying, and also fun to have a female MC. Originally I thought the OP was meh and planned to skip it, but I just kept hearing that riff in my head. And it has now become some sort of obsession especially when the riff is combined with the drums. Each episode watched was a reward to listen to it again, and I promised myself as I finished the show I would listen to the full song. And oh man its even better.