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kenzomatic said:
Rainbird said:
kenzomatic said:

Why are the folowing not on the list

Lockheed Martin
General Dynamics
Etc. Etc.

Everyone those has done vastly more then that list. Hell some of them developed the technologies that companies like Sony would have you believe they did.

 Because we are talking brand, and neither of those firms are very much into branding in the general public.

 In the world I live in those companies, schools, and organization are synonymous with technological inovation. Maybe things have changed but when I was a kid NASA was the public pillar representing Science and technology.


But the brands are not that powerful today. I know the companies are great and do a lot of innovative things, but they don't brand themselves with the public like Sony, Apple etc.

These guys are more of a behind-the-scenes kind of firms.

You don't see commercials for NASA or Boeing on TV,  but what you do see is Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft pushing their gaming consoles "into the next generation of gaming". Of course this attracts more attention than Lockheed Martin's innovations, because they are all behind the scene.

Think of Sony's Bravia commercials. That is some crazy marketing they have going for themselves, which is probably one of the reasons they are #1 on that list.