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Resident_Hazard said:
I think it's freakin' lame that we can't rate really good games. I really want to recommend the crap out of RE:UC, No More Heroes, and to an extent, Manhunt 2. But noooooooooo....

Good thing Carnival Games ended up being played on my Wii. I was able to bash the crap out of that one. I did the "absolutely do not recommend" deal on that one.

Where do we view the list of games and their average recommended scores? I haven't seen that yet. Or is that the new thing?


Now that I think about it, viewing others' recommendations may be the new thing. Just go to where you normally recommended the games, and I believe the link is there (I don't remember too clearly right now). And I will agree, it's baffling why some games are listed and some aren't. Maybe some publishers signed up while others didn't? Or maybe Nintendo's trying to charge some fee for the service? Hopefully some site will come up with answers soon.