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A very good description of what classical socialism is. I don´t really agree that it can´t co-exist with capitalism unless you refer to a model where democracy is replaced with something else and only one ideology governs society?

Because we don´t have a capitalistic or a socialistic or a liberal or a conservative system in society; we have a democratic system in many countries that incorporates influences from all types of ideologies (and religions). Just because we don´t have a socialistic society, it doesn´t mean socialistic influences are nonexistent.

Could a socialistic society form under a democratic system? No, humanity as a species is far to complicated to agree on one ideology for the entire society and I am also pretty sure that we are a hierarchic species that strive to create flocks on both a smaller scale (workplace, sports teams) and on a large scale (governments, municipalities) with clear leaders and a hierarchic structure. Socialism would have a hard time deconstruting our very nature that has formed society.