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Wiibaron said:

We all wish that he would/could just do his job.  But the Dems, Never Trumpers, AND the Media won't let him. Or at the least won't let anything go by without 24/7 outraged 'reporting'. Tell us media, is it still irresponsibly treasonous to allow the release of a 'that's it,nothing burger'?  Or do we just go get the bottle of ketchup for the crow on all your faces? Release the Dem memo now so we can all laugh at the comedy the DC Swamp has become.

I find it a bit strange that people are criticizing the media for the "irresponsible" comments. They didn't see the memo until the rest of us did. If you want to criticize someone about that, feel free to criticize the democrats, but I think the bigger issue was always the opinion that the memo misled by omission. That said, I think pretty much everybody who hadn't read the memo was shocked by how impactless it actually was. I think the blame for overhyping this memo falls more on the "worse than what started the American revolution" side as the "irresponsibly treasonous" side, but maybe that is just me.

And if Trump would stop giving the media ammunition 24/7 from his Twitter, maybe things would quiet down a little.

And one more thing: you really want the democrats to eat crow over how much of a non-story this is? Really? Not all of the people who were hyping the things outlined in the memo up to be the literal worst thing to ever happen to this country? They don't get any of that crow?