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RolStoppable said:


hunter_alien said:

One could argue that it pretty much proved that current indei interaction-laking adventure titles could thrive in the industry. Also, there are plenty of games that sold comparativly shit by todays standards and yet they had a huge influence on the industry. First release of games like Doom, Populous, Tomb Raider and even Half-Life sold as much as a mid-tire IP would today, or for most AAA games those sales would be a dissaster.

Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to overblow the importance of SotC. I liked the game but IMO ICO and TLG are superios entries by a long shot. But I do consider it to be fairly influential especially that plenty of people were talking about it a decade later and this includes both fans of the games and game developers.

Your argument isn't well thought out, because you deliberately ignore the context of time to make your point.

Really? I mean before those entrie we did have games that sold tens of millions of copies, but OK, I guess. No reason to discuss this any further.

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