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mZuzek said:
Angelus said:

That's a fair take on it. I didn't have any issue with the way they presented him, I just thought it was amusing is all. They present Tony in the first Iron Man as a child prodigy, graduating from MIT or something at the age of 13 or so. Dude can basically do whatever he wants with anything he gets his hands on. Yet, when we last hear about Howard, in Iron Man 2, we get all this stuff about him being the one to  discover this crazy new element that can save Tony, with him remarking on how his dad is still taking him to school, and then we cut to First Avenger with Howard basically looking like a scrub. Must have been a late bloomer, that's all.

I think that makes sense, because it seems to be established that Howard Stark was the one who made Stark Industries what it is, so he didn't grow up a rich kid like Tony did. Tony's environment growing up would be a lot more helpful towards him becoming a child prodigy.

Ya, like I said, it's fair. Still amused me