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OTBWY said:
There will be spin as soon as we hear "world wide".

Anyway, great news for the new systems. The Switch is probably already over WiiU LT?

Literally nobody spun this in any direction, yet you still stand here with your fanboy paranoia as allways.

OT: Absolutly stellar numbers for... the 3DS. I was certain it will do sub 400k numbers this december, yet it blew away everyone's expectation. Switch and Xone performed very well, while Sony decided to take the profit route, and came in below expectations (I was expecting 1.2 milion+ for that).

I am curious to see how all 3 will hold up in the first 3 months. Can Sony maintain the statu of Q1 king? Will Nintendo steal it's thunder? Will MS make an amazing comebackand surprise everyone? Stay tuned.


Warned ~ CGI

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 18 January 2018

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