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irstupid said:
Soundwave said:

Luke isn't quite a Gary Stu, but he's pretty damn close.

His character is basically the equivalent of a farm boy practising basketball for 45 minutes with a coach, learning a few moves, and then going on to hit the game winning shot in the NBA Finals over LeBron James a day later.

He gets a few pointers from Obi-Wan and then is able to out maneuver Darth Vader and blow up the Death Star.

This stuff doesn't make sense if you really want to over analyze it.

When does Luke outmaneuver Vader? From what I recall of the movie, when Vader enters the trench, he shoots down both of Luke's wingmen and second before he shoots down Luke as well, Han comes in and saves the day by shooting Vader with the Millenium Falcon. Luke did nothing. He was a sitting duck.

Or were you talking earlier when Vader was distracted and stalled by his former master Obi Wan? 

Soundwave said:

So every main character in Star Wars basically has to be Luke's template? Says who? The rules reset with each trilogy, each new main character is their own deal. 

If JK Rowling wants to make a new set of books in the Harry Potter universe with a new main character, said character can be whatever she wants him/her to be, in fact it would be boring if she just did Harry 2.0. 

This isn't about making Rey a Luke copy. It's about making Rey interesting. Mary Sues are boring. If you are going to make a mary sue, you need to make them have a very good/interesting personality. Think of One Punch man. When watching/reading that I know there is a 0% chance that he is going to be challenged at all. He is a walkign god. But they made his character or the story interesting/fun. There isn't supposed to be a sense of danger with him. YOu are supposed to enjoy his overpoweredness come in and OHKO whoever as a joke. 

But in Star Wars, you have Rey who is able to do everything and beat everyone and not take a lick of damage (I attribute that no damage part to her being a female. Lots of shows/movies don't liek to show a woman getting beat up/bloody/ect). But just her overpoweredness makes it lose its sense of danger. Sure you knew Luke wasn't goign to ever die in the Original Trilogy, but you still didn't know if he was going to win this fight or not. With Rey, you always know she is going to come out ahead. 

It reminds me of watching prequels of anything. They tend to be not that great because you know how its going to end. You knew Anakin was going to turn into Vader. You knew that Palpatine was going to be the emperor. You knew that Bilbo survives and comes back with the ring. Ect. It sort of makes the movie lose something. Mary Sues/Gary Stu's bring that same problem to their movies. You sort of lose this suspension of belief in the movie cause you have this walking cheat code. 

To be honest I think the new Star Wars trilogy has dual main characters - Kylo and Rey and they are pretty literally tied to each other at this point. 

Everyone knows the Titanic sinks too, didn't stop that movie from becoming the biggest film of the modern era.