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epicurean said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Just going to point out your asking for proof effectively on the same measure that Santa isn't real, he isn't, he is a fictional character based around the 25th of Dec to make children happy and behave themselves because if they're bold they don't get presents, you've just chosen to invest more time and effort into believe of Santa for Adults which is nice, but he still is a fictional character made to..... yeah.... just santa but a less white beard.

Fun one I always enjoy though if you were to have a read through the good book, on day 4 Santa made the Sun... didn't anyone ask how the first 4 days were measured? It is written that it is measured by days and nights ie the light and the dark... but the Sun doesn't exist yet so the thing which makes the Earth have days is not in effect, the change from day to night, light to dark... those things didn't happen for days 1>4 Surely it should just be written "until we have a way to sort this shit out, Imma start making stuff" and then after enough things have been created for the system to work it would be on Day 2 that he chucked all the fish and other life into the Rivers and Sea's of the Earth, providing that he was happy to assume every bit of time before the first Night was Day 1.


But sod it, can't really go through the Bible and proof read it for plot holes

aint no one got time for that.

Um, if you're posting that image, then you truly haven't done any research and its probably not worth debating.

Again you want to read my other post on here. VGchartz isn't going to be the turning point for people to start to look at the facts.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at