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Star Wars pattern is the first of the trilogy does the biggest box office, the second one does the least, and the third one is somewhere in between the 1st and 2nd.

It's likely this trilogy will probably follow the same pattern. If the criticism is Rian Johnson alienated some people, well that's already taken care of for IX with JJ Abrams coming back.

Star Wars survived the prequels, it can survive some blue milk, Snoke biting it early, and Rey Nobody (which I actually do like).

I mean there's been what ... 12 Star Trek movies? And like maybe 5 of those are actually good? 9 Fast & Furious movies and probably on 2-3 of those are actually good?

For Star Wars I'd say A New Hope + Empire occupy the "great" categorey, Jedi/Revenge/Force Awakens are in the "good to decent" category , Phantom Menace and Clones in the bad to terrible categorey.

Last Jedi is in the "good to decent" category IF you are willing to accept some surprising turns in the story. If you're a really hardcore fan some things may upset you. It is otherwise a solidly made/acted/shot film.