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Soundwave said:
Angelus said:

I see this a lot now, with the backlash this movie is receiving, where those who enjoyed the movie are in one way or another all calling out the "40 year old nerd." Now, while I agree, that you have to be able to take some artistic license, and move a franchise forward, you have to be very very careful when you're making decisions that are actively putting off your hardcore fanbase. However big your franchise is right now, it got there on the back of those fans. All those people who go out to conventions, buy all your books, games, who theory craft, talk about it with their friends, drive the traffic/discussion around it online, etc, etc. Now, obviously you don't want your product to just be just pandering to those people, especially since you can never make everyone happy, but you really don't want to be treating them with the kind of blatant disregard, and disdain even that Rian Johnson seems to exhibit with this movie, and which is certainly the stand out response given to people who don't care for this movie, by it's supporters. 

I mean hey....maybe you can get away with it. Maybe you can make a new hardcore fanbase, as numerous, and as loyal as your old one. Maybe you can make all the money you'd ever want off your franchise from just the casual movie going audience. I don't know. But maybe you can't. Maybe you don't wanna be sending them all the message "Star Wars isn't what you think it is, nerd!" It might not be good for you in the long run.

It's true though, basically the only lesson that Disney will "learn" if there is any lesson to be learned is to basically "pander to the nerds", from their POV.

If they do dumb shit now like make Rey a Skywalker or Kenobi, I'm fucking walking out of the theater. At least have the balls to stand by your creative choices. 

Otherwise lets just have a freaking movie where it pauses every 15 minutes and the audience votes on what they want to happen next. 

Making a sequel trilogy was a mistake to begin with because you have little/no creative license to work with. They should have just waited further into the future and had Episode VII begin with Luke's natural passing from old age and begun from there. Skywalker Saga ends with ROTJ, there is no need for it to continue past that.

No, I agree that with this trilogy (or these two movie so far into it at least) they've made their bed, and now they have to lie in it. What I'm saying though, is that what happened here was clearly a step too far, just for the sake of trying to break from the established norms of Star Wars. Not just in a general sense, but also in terms of story beats, and expectations for payoff set up by TFA.

In the future, Disney needs to be more mindful of the continuity of Star Wars as a whole, and these big main saga movies. Like for starters, if you're gonna keep rotating through different directors for each movie in a trilogy, at least have them come together and agree on the main plot points, and themes that they wanna hit. That way you don't run into issues like here with Rain Johnson just being blatantly flippant of the entire script of the last movie (which of course, since it was basically a remake of New Hope, is thus by extension flippant of soooo much more that is dear to Star Wars fans).