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The three Disney Star Wars movies thus far are better than:

Star Wars prequels, Marvel Films (Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, etc.), Harry Potter series, The Hobbit Trilogy, Transformers, Star Trek Abramsverse, Jurassic World/Jurassic Sequels, DC Films (Batman Vs. Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League), Terminator Genisys, X-Men (series), recent Alien/Prometheus, Pirates of the Caribbean series, Independence Day 2 (barf), Fast & Furious series, The Matrix Trilogy (first one is a great film, but the next two are mediocre), 4th Indiana Jones (barf). Spider-Man (series).

I'd Say It's Equal To:

Planet Of The Apes Trilogy, Avatar.

And Below:

Original Star Wars Trilogy (never gonna be beaten), Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Dark Knight Trilogy (though DK Rises sucked).

A lot of hate for something that's better than 95% of what is considered a blockbuster. TFA, TLJ, ROne may not be great films, but they're all solid to good IMO. You're not getting something that's OT Star Wars tier, not gonna happen.