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Even if Disney were disappointed, why would that be a good thing?

All you're going to get in that case is a predictable reaction of "these fat nerds just want the same movie over and over again, so lets never take any chances or risks, we'll just do the same thing as The Force Awakens over and over again".

That's the only "lesson" they will learn in that case.

Why cheer that on? You're going to get a uber-safe Episode IX that panders to 40-year-olds every whim and takes no risks. Oh wait, she is Rey Skywalker after all. Snoke was cloned from Palpatine's jizz left over on Plagueius cloak, what an interesting back story and he didn't die anyway that was a Snoke clone. Lets now have a ROTJ ending where Rey turn Kylo back to the good side and they team up to fight Jizz Cloned Snoke. Yippity doo da.

I don't agree with everything Rian Johnson did but at least he had the balls to take some risks.