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I was hoping for cell processor on the ps4. Thing is they brought in mark cerny around 2009 when at that stage alot of developers were still struggling with the cell and ports, especially 3rd party. By the time they had been working on the ps4 components, most if not all devs had become pros with the cell processor, and you had guys lake gabe newell who at first talked shit about the cell, released portal 2 on ps3 and was probably better than the xbox version, and we saw a trend of multilats looking better on ps3. Sadly it was too late by then. Ps4 was already in the works. Had mark cerny or sony execs known how well received the cell would have become, i feel they would have continued with the cell processor technology. Maybe they would have gone with 16 or 24 cell units with advanced architecture. But the cost of the console would probably be more.