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KBG29 said: 

Had Sony used the Cell in PS4 for sub processing/backwards compatability, and continued to invest in refining its achitecture and shinking its fab process then it would be a different story. Sony already ditched Cell, and it has not been refined or shrunk in years. It is extreamly unefficient and outdated tech at this point.

Basically this, or PS should have stuck with Cell for good as the main processor and kept upgrading it for PS4, PS5, etc. They didn't and chose the x86 route and will now stick with x86 for good until something way more powerful yet efficient comes along that isn't a pain to program for, which is a long ways off if it happens, if at all.

Adding Cell for BC is something I could maybe see in a Premium model on top of the Pro, but it would be extremely costly and may not sell all that well, in which case it's not really worth designing in the first place. I think this happening is unlikely.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 27 December 2017