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VGPolyglot said:

Now, this is mainly a thread of personal interest, rather than an official VGC survey. However, after having discussions with others I am wondering what the state of VGC is according to the community here, and thus I have a few questions that I'd like to ask:


  1. When did you join the site, and what were your reasons for joining?
  2. How has your interest in VGChartz evolved as your time here has passed?
  3. How often do you frequent/check VGC? Which sections of the site do you visit most frequently?
  4. How do you feel about the community here? Is it better/poorer than when you first joined?
  5. How do you feel about the current changes/fixes/updates being made on VGC?
  6. Fill in any other information/thoughts/feedback/reception here
Thanks to all who post!! I'm curious to see what the results will be.


1. 2013. I was lurking here for ages, but then came the day where I had something to say. Can't remember what it was. 

2. Pretty much the same. I always come here when I should be working. It's a nice distraction for me, nothing more. 

3. I come here pretty much daily, but only look at the front page and hot topics. I rarely, if ever, go into the forums on my own. Which is also the reason why I haven't seen this thread in the last 6 days. =P

4. I don't know, seems the same to me. Most of the time I don't see the user names anyway. As I said, I come here when I'm working and I have 2 browser windows open for work, one on each half on the screen. On vgchartz, when I scroll just right to read the comments, the avatars and user names and all that disappear. So yeah. I mean, I do know one or two lads from around here, but that's about it. I really don't care too much who I'm talking to, if you know what I mean.

5. No idea what changes have even been made. Oh no, wait, the change of colour in the graphs on the front page is pretty nice!

6. Use AdBlock for vgchartz. Seriously. Just do it. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.