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When I decided to become self-employed in 2011, it didn't work out like I planned it. It didn't work at all. But because I really wanted to be an author, I just stuck to it. In the beginning I made like maybe 100 € a month. Not nearly enough to even pay the rent, despite me working 12 hours a day, mainly to find new clients. But as nobody knew me, nobody wanted me. It didn't take long for me to not being able to pay the rent and get in debt. In the end, I became homeless. But that didn't stop me from working! All I needed was my laptop, my cellphone for internetz and that power plug in the McDonald's at the Frankfurt main station and I was good to go! Thankfully, my clients didn't know that their articles were written by a homeless guy, lulz.

It all got better with time and in 2012 I finally started to earn some real cash with my work. Now the real problem was to find a flat. Here in Germany we have the Schufa. If you are ever in debt, you are being mentioned there and every landlord and their mother want that info. You don't have any chance at all to get a flat if you are in the Schufa. But I found a way around that. I just got myself an office. There are other rules for getting rooms for commercial use and in short it was a lot easier to get an office. Technically I wasn't allowed to live there, but nobody gave a shit. I paid all my debt, got out of Schufa and in 2013 finally found a flat again and continued a normal live.

Ever since then everything just went up. I earned more money, I make quite a decent living and my articles made it into a lot of magazines and newspapers, which I'm quite proud of. Today I enjoy a lot of freedoms. Like the ability to live wherever the fuck I want. Last year I spontaneously decided to move near the sea, because I love the beach so much. If I ever get bored of it, I'll just move somewhere else and take my job, which I love to death, with me. On top of that, I am my own boss. If I don't want to work, I don't need to. Simple as that. I love it.

Because of all those benefits, I wouldn't do anything different even if I somehow had the chance to do it all again. It sure was tough back then, but it all paid out in the end. I may not becoming a millionaire or something, but I do just fine and I enjoy one hell lot of free time. Most of the time I work 2-3 hours a day and that's it.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.