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Azuren said:
To everyone opposing net neutrality:

You know that shitty company that gives you subpar internet access? Net neutrality was the only thing stopping then from doing literally whatever they want. Ajit Pai gave more power to ISPs, all of whom in America rank in the top 100 most hated companies, and for some inane contrarian reason you support it.

Protip: just because the Dems want it doesn't make it regressive.

There is a big problem that is directly tied to NN and that is, what is the point in everyone having equal access to internet content, if a substantial amount of people don't even have access to that content in the first place? Not to mention the large amount of people who do have 'high speed', yet these lower speeds are only good enough to stream content in such poor quality that it doesn't make it worth it for example.

NN makes sense if every single person has the option to pay for and use up to let's say a 1GB connection. Many won't need 1GB, and many won't be able to afford 1GB, but being able to purchase a worthwhile speed, that allows for a worthwhile amount of content, in a quality form, is what is needed before NN should be re-thought and/or re-implemented. 

I don't really think it's directly a political Dem vs Rep thing, but the fact that the cities voted blue for Hillary, and the country voted red for Trump, and it's the country that has major internet problems, does make it seem like it's strictly political. I think the truth is that the internet sucks in the country, so most of those people don't really care about NN because it really didn't do much for them in the first place, and they just happen to be Conservatives.

There is a reason why voting works quite well, and it's because everyone of legal voting age, has the same value and worth, and the outcome affects everyone in the end, one way or another. This is not the case with NN as long as people don't have equal internet content access. The answer isn't to get NN T2 back asap, it's to get everyone on an equal playing field in terms of speeds and reliability, or as equal as possible anyway, then figure out what makes sense when it comes to controlling the data flow.