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Getting very close to the top 10 here. Here are the hints for the next two games.

#14: You hunt down your former mentor who betrayed her country for the greater good.

#13: This game is often considered the black sheep of this series partially because it wasn't directed by the same person as the other games. Also less clearly connected to the other two games.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
Previous Year: New

Last year I had only included the first game in this series on this list, and now 12 months later there are a total of four games from it on this list. It has essentially become my second favourite JRPG series over the last two years, to my huge surprise. I never expected to like these games as much as I did, but very few games have given me the same feeling of satisfaction from playing them as the two Trails in the Sky games have. I haven't yet played the third one, but if it's even close to as good as the first two it'll probably find its way onto this list in the future as well.

Final Fantasy X
Previous Year: #13

Final Fantasy X is the game I bought a PS2 for. On that regard it remains the only game I have ever bought an entire console for. Never before or since have I gotten a console for the sake of one game, but FFX made me do that, and quite frankly, I wasn't disappointed. It's easily one of the best games ever made for that console, and one of the best games in the entire Final Fantasy-series, which for those interested is my favourite series of games. An amazing game that I have replayed several times over the year, and probably will do so again many more times.

Last edited by Darashiva - on 17 December 2017