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I agree with him. But also take into account this is the first Star Wars movie since 2005 to introduce new concepts. Ep. 7 did not show anything that wasn't already in a movie prior. The 6 previous films did. Now, I don't know how people reacted to the new concepts that were shown in the prequels, but as you guys know not everything is seen twice if the reception towards it is negative; see, force speed or whatever it is Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan do in Ep. 1.

Another thing: This movie is being directly defiant towards JJ Abrams. Like this entire movie is a shit take on The Force Awakens. From the moment the movie starts to the end, you can tell that Rian Johnson has some sort of disdain for JJ Abrams. The scene we leave on in TFA? Tossed out, literally. You can tell there are some characters he doesn't care about so he does... what he does with them. Things that JJ built up, Rian brought down, and brought down reallllyyy bad. This movie is the equivalent to JJ making a sand castle and Rian kicking it after he finished. Even the title suggests that. "The Force Awakens" -when you hear that you think this is a start to more Jedi and that's something we thought we were building to in TFA, but then we have Rian's title, "The Last Jedi" which is basically "Nah, fuck you".

When you notice it, when you see that this movie is being directly defiant to the one before it, you start to understand the film better and why it was made the way it was. And... idk, I'm fairly sure JJ Abrams is pissed about it. Especially now that he has to tie the knot of this trilogy XD I could see some more "fuck you" moments from JJ to Rian in Ep. 9, actually, I expect it. This tug of war creates pretty unpredictable writing, imo.

Also, JJ Abrams, prob also isn't happy that his love letter to SW isn't as liked by Lucas as TLJ is. Very Cain and Able moment v.v XD