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Chrono Trigger
Previous Year: New

This is the only game on this list with which I have bent my rule of never including games I have not finished on my list. I have started this game on two different occasions and gotten very close to the end, but on both times I have been unable to finish it (corrupted save file the first time, broken system the second). However, despite that I have enjoyed the game so much on both occasions that I simply cannot leave it out of the list anymore. It's reputation as one of the best games of its genre is well deserved, and perhaps once I finally manage to actually play the game all the way through it'll be even higher on this list.

Previous Year: #27

One of the most beautiful game ever made, even by today's standards thanks to the exceptional art style. Okami was very much a game in the style of The Legend of Zelda series, with similar gameplay style and structure, with the addition of the "Celestial Brush", which allowed the player to basically stop time and draw various shapes and objects into existence and otherwise manipulate the world around them. It was an absolutely genious gameplay innovation, and it separated Okami from all other games of its kind.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Previous Year: #26

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a strong contender for my most played video game of all time. Starting from its release in 2008 up to the release of Smash 4 I spent quite literally thousands of hours playing this game together with my friends. It's not a perfect game, but very few games are quite as fun to play with three other people in the same room. The tripping mechanic was always kinda pointless and stupid, but on the whole, whatever flaws Brawl may have are completely overshadowed by the massive amount of time I've spent just having fun playing the game.

And here are the hints for the next three games:

#29: The Mishima clans family troubles get even more chaotic when the youngest ones great-grandfather is released from his imprisonment.

#28: Monkey and Trip

#27: A PS3 JRPG, the first game in a sub-series belonging to a larger franchise. The sequel was already on my list earlier.