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Pristine20 said:

Yeah but dead rising sucks wheile LO is an awesome heavily budgeted game! This explains why M$ is wasting its money securing JRPG "exclusives" when more cheap "dead risings" could easily beat SO3's sales on the PS2. Remember, M$ and sony make money on software not hardware.

Dead Rising is an awesome game and brought something new to the genre with it's sandbox gameplay. 85% on Gamerankings. It's Capcom and got good hype and marketing. (BTW, I'm sure MS will continue to secure exclusive "dead risings" and whatever genre you name, in the future)

LO I'm sure is a good JRPG but it had it's issues and didn't get those great reviews (79%). Also wasn't highly advertized, and got a delayed release in the west. Despite all of this it sold 750,000 copies.

SO4 will be a better game, will get a WW simultaneous release, better marketing, and by the time it's released release X360 fans are used to and have embraced JRPGs = huge success.

The X360 is the RPG-king.