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Chazore said:

But that's you doing just what you said at the start. You're saying one thing isn't as bad as the other, but the other half is definitely worse.

Look around the internet, there are all sorts of people ragging on PC. It's this forum and a few others that only seem to go on about PC players ragging on console folk. Right now, at this very moment, I'm dealing with a commenter on a bench marking youtube channel, who is known for praising PS4 to the high heavens, while taking absolutely any chance he can at making PC look like it's the dark ages. He gets such satisfaction from making PC players angry and upset. He isn't alone though, I've come across many like him over the years and it's not just on the one side either, it stems from both sides. We have people that wear PCMR as a badge of pride (even though it was actually a joke geared at PC gamers by Yahtzee croshaw, many years ago) and those on the console side who call themselves the "god race" or "godstation" users, so it's not just on the PC side, it's on both.

Well yes, it is. It just paints the picture that the favoured is favoured, over the other. We all have our own bias, but it's nice to be objective here and there.

See, I know you are following OP's question, but if the opposite was asked, you'd likely not have much to give as an answer, simply because it's not your forte, so the qualities of that side wouldn't be brought up.

I think the constructive criticism can also be criticised for not being entirely all there as well, that's another thing to look out for. To some it may appear as an attack, but to others, it can also present flaws within said criticism (like claiming an object fact, but not taking into account that it was flawed due to the lack of knowledge of said flaw/quality).

I haven't said something is bad I have only said why I choose one system over another and If I was blunt it was precisely because of the context of the question as asked by the OP in which PC gamers see themselves as the master race and us console gamers as peasants. I simply demonstrated that if you wish to see flaws in consoles, that we simple peasants can ALSO find flaws in the Master Race's choice of gaming. That is very different from just out of the blue and for no reason scream MASTER RACE us, Peasants you... You will never see in my signature how superior my console is over your PC because that's EXACTLY what I'm saying, it's out of context and why would I want to attack people in my signature when they can see it in threads that have NOTHING to do with consoles or PC's?

If the opposite was asked I wouldn't have said anything because I don't play on PC so I cannot talk about the qualities of a system I do not know, so me talking about the qualities of a system I don't know much about, makes no sense. But someone else who does play on PC could and still can talk about the qualities of PC gaming. I don't have a problem with someone else talking about their reasons to choose PC so why would you or anyone have a problem with me talking about my reasons for gaming on console? In that regard, comparing me to console fans that attack PC gaming is unfair in my opinion.

And I'm not calling you a liar or anything like that but I have never heard anyone playing on console call themselves the Godrace or the PS the Godstation.  I literally have never heard that, before now on this thread. And if someone has, it must be very rare because if it was common I would have heard about it. But PC Master Race, it's so common and so used around the internet that everybody knows what the "Master Race" is when talking about gaming.

And of course you can criticize constructive criticism, I don't have a problem with that either. But you cannot dismiss it altogether simply by saying that it can be criticized too. If one wishes to engage in constructive criticism one must explain and elaborate as to the reasons why one thinks something deserves criticism. Just criticizing something and not explaining why, is not constructive criticism, it's an attack. If for example I say I'd rather play on a 55" TV screen than on a 15" computer monitor because the much bigger screen surface is more immersive, I am using constructive criticism because I explained the reasons for my choice. You have the right to disagree of course but what I said is still constructive criticism. But when someone says: the PC race is the master race and console players are peasants, there is NOTHING constructive there, it's only meant to attack, belittle and hurt. And if you heard someone say Godstation, it's just as stupid and empty as calling oneself the master race.

In the meantime, and please do not see this as an attack or anything bad cause so far I appreciate our discussion and exchange of ideas, but the fact is that in the meantime your signature screams PC MASTER RACE whereas mine does say NOTHING about Godstation or me being better than a PC gamer or anything like that. So the question is why? Why do you feel the need to scream something in your signature that is telling someone like me that I'm an inferior, that my choice of gaming is poor, that I don't see the light of the day cause I chose consoles over PC?