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Rumor: Original Metal Gear Solid Coming to XBLA

Leaked info could reveal Snake's plans for the 360.
By Steve Watts, 06/12/2008
As hundreds of thousands of eager stealth fans crack open their shiny new copies of Metal Gear Solid 4, some Xbox 360 owners are surely seething with jealousy. But cheer up, guys -- an older title starring the famed Solid Snake might be coming to the Microsoft box after all.

Ripten reports that the original Metal Gear Solid was seen by a source on PartnerNet, the private Xbox Live server that facilitates testing of unreleased downloadable games. While the title was originally for the PlayStation 1, it could conceivably fit into Microsoft's 350MB size cap with a few modern compression methods. It's unconfirmed, but given MGS4's PlayStation 3 exclusivity, this could be a nice treat from Konami to fans who happen to own the other platform.

Even though it's not the latest in the franchise, many an Xbox 360 owner would be likely to enjoy scoring achievements for the original Solid adventure if this rumor pans out. Of course, if you own a PS3 or are thinking of picking one up, check out our hot-off-the-presses review of Metal Gear Solid 4.






Well, the way I see this, there are three possibilities:


1. Ripten is full of shit.

2. They are just looking for extra cash. 

3. They are seeing if the Xbox fanbase would purchase a game from the series, and if it did well they may consider a franchise spinoff on the 360 (Sony would find a way to keep MGS4 exclusive, even if they did find a way to put it on a DVD)

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."