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Over on the mod boards, there has been some discussion of selling VGC t-shirts and maybe some other merchandise. We're going to do it.

One problem: None of us are particularly amazing artists.


We're holding a contest. Design some Vgchartz t-shirts. Top three designs will get a cut of the profit from whatever number of t-shirts we sell. The idea is we'll set up a free account on, which charges $8.99 for a shirt, and lets you set the mark up. So if we sell it for $13.99, the artist would get 20% of the markup - $1/per shirt.

I suggested something like this as a design that would be good on a t-shirt, but I'm sure you can come up with better things, and we'd have to check with Sky-Render about that design anyway.

So...if you're interested, get crackin'.

Deadline: June 20 (extendable if we get lots of great designs) 


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu