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mroseneo said:

I don't think that there are many games on the US or European stores, but have any of you been on the Japanese store?

There are well over 100 games out over here. I didn't count, but there are at least 20 RPGs. Wild Arms 1 and 2 are there. Alundra is there. All the Arc the Lad games are there. Jade Cacoon just got released a few days ago as well. Most of the RPGs are not very good, but there are quite a few ones that never got released in the West and the list is growing.

Also, MGS1, Resident Evil 1 and 2 are on there. I was surprised by the amount of good games that are actually on the Japanese store. Hopefully, they will bring some games out in the West as well.

Also, Square-Enix still publishes (in Japan) all of their PS1 games that were million sellers. FF and DQ games are around $25 dollars, while games like valkyrie profile are around $14. I just purchased FF7 brand new.

If these games are already out in Japan maybe that wouldn't be enough to attract new gamers. Most Japanese seem to still have a PS2 which could play the originals. I guess the PS3 just needs new games in the genre. Think about the games that are released for the PS2 & PS3 right now in Japan. The PS2 has the games that the Japanese like however the PS3 is releasing more western style games.

The PS3's problems can't be fixed over night. It's going to take some time and effort from Sony on this issue. The problem is Sony seems like they don't care too much. Sure keeping the PS2 alive has kept them afloat by countering the PS3's losses but when that revenue dries up they need to be ready with a plan on how to get those consumers to switch. This is really starting to look like Nintendo going from SNES to N64. The SNES was holding it's own against the Saturn and PS1 for a little while and then the N64 came out and failed to maintain that userbase. 

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
