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Summer anime is official done for me (fansubs for symphogear didn't take too long fortunately). I wanna give a special thanks to two people, first the op of this thread, super_boom, for recommending me MHA and being my One Piece buddy, even though we don't share a lot of shows it's so fun to talk with him about those we watch (and to tease him with potential character deaths )

The other person is aramdomgamer, my hero, turtledove, sunshine, senpai, who's been guiding me through the world of yuri anime. Without him I would probably be only watching One Piece and DBZ, so for that and many other things I love you am really grateful.

I watched 4 animes this season, 2 ongoing series and 2 new:

1. Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ: there's something special about this show, and is that it manages to improve each season, the songs, the action sequences, the character arcs, everything is just either on par or better than previous seasons. It even improve its blu-ray sells each season which is very impressive. The plot, which is often overlooked by many (can't blame them) was rather interesting this time, not only did it tie in a lot of past plots but it set up very strong foundations for season 5 (it sells so good season 4 and 5 were announced at the same time ) and it could very well be the best season.

Aside from that, it had my favorite opening (I'm so sorry pri pri but yours is a really close second) and ending. OP is just a hype machine, and it's so good it was played not only in the final episode but in the previous one. For the ED I'm picking the second one, it was played once but it gave me all feels, and hearing the 6 main voices singing together is beautiful.



2. My hero academia: I'm really enjoying watching all these young heroes go through school. Stein's arc was very good, and he himself was a great antagonist. The exams against the teachers were so awesome, I particularly enjoyed Aizawa's test, because I was looking foward to more Momo development and it delivered, and All Might's brutal beatdown to Deku and Bakugo. I'm excited to see more league of villains, All for One vs One for All and All Might, who continues to be the epitome of what I like about superheroes, even if he is a rather lousy teacher

And now for the new shows:

1. Princess Principal: An original show by studio 3Hz, same one as Flip Flappers. That's all I knew going into the show, so the only thing I really expected was some nice yuri (which of course was delivered), aside from that I went into the show waiting to be surprised (and I was, very pleasantly). Probably my favorite aspect was the non chronological order of the episodes, not only did it add different value from a narrative perspective, it's not easy to do so I gotta give them a lot of credit for pulling it off masterfully. 

The characters, it was impossible to not love them. Different personalities and talents, that went through some tragic even in the past, and came together to form the perfect team, and dare I say family. By the end of the series it was not a cover anymore, they were real friends. The music, the style, the setting of the story, everything was perfect. The only flaw is that it ended without saying "it'll continue next season", with so much potential it would be a shame if it didn't get a second season.

2. A centaur's life: for a SoL this was surprisingly deep. The worldbuilding was rather intriguing, and it went from little things like how centaurs dress to more complex political, racial and biological topics. It had some unnecesary ecchi (and the one that had worldbuilding purposes was censored XD) and the lack of an "end goal" made some episodes feel slightly boring, but overall I enjoyed it a lot.

And that's it, I have 5 shows on my watch list for the upcoming season, 2 of them (Yuuki Yuuna and Love live sunshine) which I'm really excited for and the other 3 have promising premises so I think I'll enjoy them.