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Good that XB sold out as many as they could or wanted to make, not so great that they won't say how many that is exactly. A limited edition, is just that though. You don't make too many, or its not really limited and special anymore.

XB1X selling bigger numbers than Pro for pre orders and the first couple months wouldn't be all that surprising. You have to take into account that PS was the first to dip their toe and jump in with Pro. Waiting to see how things go and jumping in afterwards is always easier knowing what to expect and how to react.
You have to remember that when mid gen consoles were rumored and announced, most people weren't so sure about what they thought about it and weren't completely sold on the idea. There certainly are a lot of people who were and have been waiting to see how things played out with Pro, and how things will play out with both the Pro and XB1X on the market. I would have to imagine that impactful XB1X sales, will actually help Pro sales to a certain degree as well.

On a side note, I thought Phil said they couldn't call it Scorpio though? Calling the limited edition Scorpio is ok though? Not sure what the thought process was behind it, or did they just finally give in and say screw it, we need to slap Scorpio on there at some point in time? Its a good name, Scorpio Edition, just don't get why the sudden change. Is somebody actually listening maybe?