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CAL4M1TY said:
It's definitely worth a look, but considering how repetitive and mundane some of the tasks get and the completely lifeless city (some say it's a minor part, but a interactive world goes a long way towards stretching the legs of this game).

It's not a fantastic game, and it certainly doesn't live up to the potential nor the hype it gained due to Killer 7's merits, but still worth a look and a purchase, you just have to understand that outside of it's wacky sense of humour and art style, it's a very unpolished experience. Control scheme is cool, but it doesn't help when almost everything outside of a boss battle is so "meh".

May sound like I'm being harsh, and I probably am, but this game was put on a pedistal by the Wii Fanboys as the first true AAA 3rd party game that isn't a port and it fell way short of that. On the other hand, the light-gun esque UC was given much less hype and was much more well received.

I always thought that Santa Destroy was supposed to be a deteriorating, nutty pseudo-city on the Mexican border populated with lowlifes, dropouts and the like.  Thus the lifelessness actually fit the overall mood of the game. Or maybe I'm thinking too much into it.

The driving never bothered me, because you could screw around with the Schpeltiger to bide some time while looking for the next job. I never managed to boost-jump over three cars at once, though.

I actually liked the menial jobs, especially the Scorpion one for some reason - maybe it's because you could actually die in that job, I dunno.

The standard fighting got boring only a handful of times (too much mooks with overloaded HP), but for most of the time it was entertaining, even if the control scheme was limited. If you're getting bored while crushing enemies with a psychopathic wrestling Jedi, there's something wrong with you IMO.

And the boss fights were some of the best I've ever seen in a video game - except the real final boss which was really tedious just because of the boss's ludicrous stamina and really predictable attack pattern. But then again, that's a common problem with almost every modern brawler, so meh.





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