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HappySqurriel said:

One of the ways to maintain focus in a "club" of this nature, would be to have a challenge that is based on a theme ... (IIRC) used to run a yearly competition that was based on the four elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air) as an example.

As a general rule, any project that would take more than 6 weeks is probably far to complicated to complete for someone who is new to development.


  • Don't code from scratch, use an opensource game engine or take advantage of frameworks like Open Scene Graph or OpenSG
  • Look at simple things people enjoy doing (puzzles, board games, card games) to draw inspiration for what you want to make; starting with complicated ideas will only lead to projects that are difficult to complete.
  • Focus on the core gameplay element, goldplating requirements is not a good way to start


Thanks for the tips Happy. 

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