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Since we're making wishful fantasies today:


Phase 1

The short term task for Konami would be fairly simple projects, with nothing more complicated than an HD version of a classic game. The goal would be re-establishing their greatest IPs as ones worth paying mind to. This would also serve to inform them as to which series would garner the greatest response. This could include HD PS4/X1/NS/PC versions of Metal Gear Solid 2/3/4/PW, Metal Gear Rising, Silent Hill 2/3, Castlevania LoI, and Gradius 5. This could also involve porting limited releases like Super Bomberman R or the WiiWare Rebirth series to more platforms, and simply supporting digital stores with retro games. Also during this era, teams could be formed to develop top budget games. These projects could be adjusted based on the reception of the smaller projects above.


Phase 2

This phase would involve smaller internal projects and collaborations with outside studios. This is where you'd find the HD remakes of Metroidvania titles, Contra 5 with Wayforward, constantly updated Yu-Gi-Oh and DDR games, a Bonk or Adventure Island from what's left of Hudson, . This would still be an era of experimentation using older series, but with an emphasis on either creating new content or founding new partnerships.


Phase 3

This would be the AAA phase, where the studios formed in Phase 1 would start to actually release games. Unlike previous phases, there would be no special emphasis on revisiting old series, though this would not be discouraged. This would simply be the point when previous phases would have yielded enough fruit and experience to pay off.


Love and tolerate.