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TWRoO said:
The attach ratio you see on the American and Japan data will be pretty good in accuracy terms, but the attach ratios (for all systems) on the European data are not very accurate because many games are missing data.
The PSP is the one most affected by this because it's games rarely sell high in the charts anyway, so PSP has the highest percentage of games missing from European data. (360 and DS will be next, then PS3 and Wii are least affected)

Generally PSP has a lower attach ratio anyway, partly because it is a handheld (which usually have lower ratios in all regions, though DS in Japan is breaking this) and partly because of piracy, and partly because of the game library, most PSP games have similar experiences to PS2 games, with a few exceptions.

Still, the major factor is that PSP is by far the most heavily affected platform in terms of European games tracked.
  Get ready ... FishyJoe will attack you for saying that  in 3 .... 2..... 1 :P But yeah , you summed it up perfectly :)


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