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Kenology said:
amp316 said:
I beat the campaign. The last level is pretty damn tough. You're right. We just need practice. I need to figure out how to get quicker with the grenades like we were saying. So anyone who would like to be a part of something like this let Brawl4Life know. I am no good at setting things like this up (unmotivated).

The last level was insane. It took me innumerous retries to get the hell outta that tunnel at the end of the level. Enemies just spawn outta nowhere (I hate that!). I got used to the pattern and threw grenades in key places to succeed. Don't ever wanna play that level again, let alone on the higher difficulty!

I suck at the multiplayer. There are some very skillful players on the MOHH2 servers and I'm lucky if I get a kill sometimes. This game has a very popular multiplayer, always many rooms available. I'll play in an organized game, as long as it's okay that I'm not that great!  I would be better if the targeting reticle was a crosshair as opposed to some big ass circle! WTF is that!?

Trust me. I'm not very good either. It's just about having fun. Check back at this thread later guys. Brawl and I are going to try to get something set up for an American league.

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