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Tech is slowing down in general, but more so with chips. Battery tech has been advancing nicely and with companies like Tesla and NiN, pushing battery tech, its only going to keep getting better. Around 2020, we could have much more capable batteries. Ryzen is quite power efficient for its performance. Add that to 7nm and some possibilities really start to open up for x86.

A Jaguar PS4P, or Ryzen PS5P, that has 1.0 Tflop of FP32 performance and plays 1080p at 30fps or 60fps, would be amazing. This could really open up a worthwhile market for PS, considering Switch's struggle with third party.

Imagine a PS4P launching alongside PS5, and having the entire PS4 library to choose from. Even better, a PS5P that has PS4 BC, but will play those new PS5 games also. Nowhere near the same quality as on console of course, but none the less, you can take and play them anywhere.

I can see it. That by no means is an indication that PS will do it. It does make business sense from a service point of view though.

PS?P 1.0TF