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I'm not very into anime anymore, but lately I began watching two different series (impressive for my standards) and I'm enjoying them.

The Count of Monte Cristo is amazing. I remember watching episode 1 back in 2009 and I didn't like it. Found it boring and very weird looking... After I've studied art, and music, while also getting more mature: I GET IT NOW. Its much more than an anime about fighting bad guys, there's a complex (if a little predictable At times) plot with striking art direction, atmosphere, and nice characters. Of course it had to be based on a literature work. I've watched up to Episode 10 so far.

Ghost Hound caught my attention due to having super natural elements, and although the first two episodes were incredibly slow; the third episode picked the pacing and plot up and now I'm HOOKED. There's so much to this series beyond "ghosts", its similar to a psychological horror movie and I love those. I haven't taken an anatomy or psychology class in a while, so all these talks about the brain and mental health issues are a little complicated to understand at face value, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I've seen up to Episode 10 so far.


I can't stand the typical shounen/beat bad guys with the power of friendship anime anymore, that's what JRPGS are for. So these two are a breath of fresh air.