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MHA already off to a great start. Love Gran Torino's character. Also some nice additions that weren't in the manga; nice to see what all the students were up to (the mystery of MIneta and Mt. Lady solved lol).

New OP and ED are big improvements over the last ones. Especially that ED. Nice way to incorporate the recent popularity poll character designs.

Even though Bakugou definitely shouldn't have won *growls*  

A few summer shows caught my eye, so I'll try out a few tonight. 

Currently on the fence on if I'll try Hajimete no Gal. I read the manga, and it's pretty good; cute pseudo-harem with some nice character designs. Everything I've seen of the anime so far has looked like garbage some rushed thing being pushed out to fill a time slot. Maybe I'll be surprised...I'll give it a try for Yame-san.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334